Leadership Team

John & Kelly Lin

John Lin

I was introduced to Christianity through my best friend when he became a Christian in high school. I heard the gospel for the first time through his youth group, but was too busy enjoying high school and preparing for college to actively seek God. A year later, as a freshman at UC Berkeley, I felt the emptiness of my life without meaning and purpose. It was then I remembered that youth group experience and the effect of Jesus in their lives. In faith, I responded to that same gospel and it has made all the difference in my life since then. I joined our church and started learning the word of God, building relationships, and found meaning and purpose in serving God and loving others.

Upon graduating from college, I stuck around at our church and began serving in our youth ministry for a few years. Then I moved to help with our churches in Davis and Austin, and 21 years later, circled back to Berkeley where my wife and I minister to our church’s post-grad members. We are currently focusing on leading our NextGen Ministry to children and also running programs for inner-city children & youth.

Likes: basketball, Macs (I finally converted from Windows in 2021), computer hotkeys and puns

Kelly Lin

I stumbled upon our church in college and saw the relevance and shaping force of God’s word in my life. I also experienced the joy of doing life together with fellow believers and building the church. And I’ve experienced that now for the past 30 years at this church!

This has led to my husband and I being part of two church plants in Davis (1999) and Austin (2008) in hopes of having others experience and see what I did as that freshman on the Berkeley campus.

Likes: hiking, volleyball, basketball, and anything active in the outdoors!

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