Leadership Team

Ed & Kelly Kang

Ed Kang

I started out as a covocational college minister at UC Berkeley in the 80s, a "cool guy a few years out of college," and I am still at it (though no longer "a few years out of college!"). Over the years we've sent out hundreds to plant churches throughout the country in college towns. My wife Kelly (google doc master who keeps my life organized) and I lead our network of collegiate churches, and still dream of launching kingdom workers from every college town. BTW, we’d love to be a resource for anyone interested in collegiate church planting, so if that's you, please feel free to contact me.

I love CS Lewis, Tolkien, JP Moreland, William Lane Craig, Chuck Colson, Frederick Buechner, PG Wodehouse, Dave Barry, Tuolumne Meadows, tidepools, carpentry, long drives with Kelly, and most of all my grandsons Malachi and Timo!

Kelly Kang

I was born in Korea, and when I was a child, my dad was inspired by the story of the Rich Young Ruler to go into full-time ministry. Seeing how hard the life of a minister could be, I vowed never to be a pastor’s wife - but I guess you could say God has a sense of humor! After immigrating to America, I went to college at UCSD, and then worked as a software engineer for about 10 years before sensing the call to ministry along with my husband, Ed. Since then, I’m amazed at how God has grown my life to help lead our network of churches!

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Launching lifelong kingdom workers from every college town.

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