Leadership Team
Daniel & Sarah Kim

Daniel Kim
I adopted “I don’t need anyone” as my life motto. I thought I just needed to survive until death, because I believed I was an orphan in a hostile world. But the gospel I encountered in high school told me I had a heavenly Father who loved me so much that He died on the cross to forgive me. And that changed everything.
A big part of that change took place in my college years at Berkeley, where I grew to love people and God’s vision for the church. He eventually led me to full-time ministry along with my wife Sarah. Since coming to our church in 1991, God has filled my life with deep relationships and joy -- which would not have been possible if left to my own devices. And I thank God for that.
Today, I'm overseeing the lead couples of ministry groups by providing marriage check-ins and training / content resources. I’m a father of two adult-age daughters, but I still feel like a college student. The secret to that everlasting youth is that I don’t exercise, so that I can’t feel my age.
Myers-Briggs: ENTP (The Inventor) -- shared by Gandalf, Sirius Black and R2D2. One source said that the way that ENTP dies is “an elaborate magic trick gone wrong”. If you know me, you would be shocked how accurately that statement describes me on multiple levels.
Sarah Kim
I came to Cal in 1990 excited to find “the one,” only to experience that college wasn’t all I thought it would be. After three years of wandering and boredom, I became a Christian as a junior upon hearing Jesus’ words in John 8, “Neither do I condemn you…” Jesus’ forgiveness changed my life, finally giving me a compelling purpose, and I committed myself to God and His church. Since then, whether I was an admin assistant, law student, attorney or full-time church staff, what has driven me is the joy and excitement of sharing the gospel with others and seeing them come to faith in Christ. I’m so thankful that I’ve served with my college friends now for 30+ years and have seen God do so much!
I found “the One” in Jesus, but also found my husband, Daniel, at our church. Together we have served in Berkeley, San Diego & San Jose. We have 2 adult daughters, and I'm enjoying our new adventures as empty nesters.
Likes: Jogging, sports & books (in print or audio)
Favorite book: Mere Christianity - answers many many questions - highly recommend!